Saturday, March 17, 2012

Obama in 2008? Post revived from 2006...

***By the Date below, we can see this was 

What might some of your current thoughts be?
Have they changed from back then? 

(Please excuse the formatting, no matter how I 
tried it did not want to work for me :-( )

^What Do U Think… OBAMA in 2008 ?

Share your thoughts…
This caught my Attention yesterday… 

Obama Barrack will be on Oprah’s Wed Show, 
and she’s going to Ask:

Is he or isn’t he running for President?

I’m asking, could he be the next J.F.K. ???

Should Hillary Clinton run along side of him ???

A few comments from the “O” Message Boards…

1) I totally agree with pelo9755. 

Until the Democratic Convention of ’06 I had no idea who 
Barack Obama was. I saw and heard him speak and was 
totally captivated. Not only by how he carried himself but 
also by what he had to say. I was by no means a “politician”, 
I was not active in politics or even interested in it. Until then, 
anybody I saw speak, Republican or Democrat, just turned me 
off to politics. I was dissolusioned by the lack of integrity, 
sincerity and honesty. Then I saw him, he awoke in me a desire 
I long ago put away and that was hope in the people of our 
country. I am the daughter of immigrants, born in this country, 
raised as a Hispanic and American, loving the opportunities this 
country has to offer. But, as I became and adult I questioned the 
integrity our leaders always spoke about. I questioned the truth 
that our leaders work towards a better tomorrow. I questioned my 
faith in this country. When I saw Barack Obama I was interested 
enough to buy his book and research his work. I’ve developed a 
new found belief that there could be someone or a couple of 
someones that could bring back to this country a exceptional level 
of integrity and respect. He has the qualities and principles it will 
take to change the ways of our country. He truly wants to do good. 
I don’t know how I know this but I do. I thank God for bringing him 
to our attention and pray that others like him out there come 
forward. Those are the type of people we need to support not 
the ones that just conform for the sake of power.

2) What you said, juliedz. 

You put my exact thoughts into words. But I’m a 51-yr-old white 
woman, and for some reason, Obama just rings true to me. I 
feel like I can believe what he says, and that he will take action 
that he truly believes is best for this country, without being 
influenced by outside interests. My 21-yr-old son didn’t vote in 
his first presidential election in ’04 because he could'nt in good 
conscience vote for either candidate. He felt them both 
inadequate. He mentioned Obama the other day... a friend at 
college had “turned him on to him” and we agreed that he is 
someone we could vote for. Apparently Obama appeals to 
college kids AND middle-aged ladies. I’ve never been politically 
active, but I could see myself actively campaigning for Barack Obama. 
He gives me hope for this country.

3) A “you go girl” to juliedz. 

Barack Obama has awakened in me the hope that he is determined 
to use integrity, honesty and desire to put our country back on track 
in the world. Like another blogger, I am merely a middled aged (48) 
white woman who listens to her gut. This guy IS different. I have 
lived in DC for 21 years and never thought of myself as political. 
But when you live “inside the beltway” for that amount of time 
and read the Washington Post every day, the environment makes 
you take notice. I am lucky to read the Post–it asks the HARD 
questions unlike the local newspapers across the US. The more 
I read and hear on the evening news, the more I became 
discouraged about our leaders here in Washington. Mr. Obama is 
a true leader of integrity & vision. Whether he runs for President 
or not is unimportant. People should listen to this man. The one 
politician I have seen with this much integrity was the former 
Senator from Wisconsin-Bill Proxmire. He never took a dime of 
PAC money. Oprah should be applauded for having him on the 
show and for all the light and goodness she brings to the 
less fortunate.

4) I have always wondered how a person can get “too political”. 

If you have a house with 5 people and one bathroom, politics 
are at play. Who gets to use the bathroom first, how long, etc. 
Your life is effected by politics of one kind or another on a daily 
basis. How much you pay for your healthcare or if you can even 
afford healthcare. Have you been stopped for not wearing your 
seatbelt? Did someone get promoted over you in your office? 
When and where is it that you do not find politics in some form 
at play in your life? American voters, both Democrat and Republican 
have totally given up any responsibility for overseeing how this 
country is run. People now vote the party line. We have given 
over our moral character, our personal integrity and our patriotism 
for second rate memberships in a political party. We don’t demand 
anything meaningful of our politicians anymore. They tell us what 
to do and we lap it up like the complacent idiots we have become.
We are so caught up in besting the other party, that we allow 
almost any behavior to be acceptable. Mr.Foley knows how politics 
works in this country. He actually sat in his office, paid for by 
taxpayers and typed on his computer, paid for by tax payers and 
wrote a provocative email to a young page. Politicans are this 
blatant because they know we will take the bait and start 
blaming the other party instead of holding our own guy’s feet 
to the fire. Mr. Foly said the devil made him do it–now watch 
the voters rally to beat up the devil. Mr. Foley will rehabilitate 
him and could well be re-elected.

“too political” Duh!

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